How It Works

Create an Account

Fill out the fields to create your Taskitt account. Once you have created an account, you will be taken to your dashboard where you can easily navigate between your profile, work history, messages and posts.

Post and Bid

Posting and bidding are easy. Click on post and start filling out the information relative to the task that needs done. Be sure to add photos and a description for the scope of work. Once you have posted others will bid to do the task you created. To bid, browse current listings and hit bid on the one you would like to complete.

Complete Process

1. A task is posted
2. Users bid on the posted task
3. The poster accepts a bid and a message is sent to the bidder.
4. The bidder accepts the task and contact information is then released.
5. After the project has been marked complete both parties will be able to review one another.

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